NASP Speciality Pharmacy Podcast
The Pharmacy Podcast Network is ranked as the number one podcast in healthcare dedicated to the Business of Pharmacy and TOP 25 Podcasts in U.S. Business News. The most influential voices in the pharmacy industry are published on the Pharmacy Podcast Network (PPN). The PPN is the leading audio authority of the pharmaceutical & pharmacy industry with more than 30 hosts, 1,200+ episodes, supporting more than 25+ pharmacy industry associations, with more than 80,000 listeners world wide. The PPN is an Audio Branding & Public Relations Communications company dedicated to the Pharmaceutical industry focusing on Community, Long-term care, Health System, Specialty, pharmacy business supportive technologies, and industry trends. Pharmacy Podcast™ is a registered trademark
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Introducing the NASP Student Chapter - PPN Epiosde 618
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) is excited to announce its new student pharmacist chapters! This initiative was developed for aspiring students looking to enhance their awareness and knowledge of the growing field of specialty pharmacy through education, professional development, and networking with pharmacists within NASP.
As the specialty pharmacy industry continues to grow and evolve, the need for specialty pharmacists becomes more prominent. Being an active member of a student chapter will help you keep your finger on the pulse of this dynamic industry as you prepare to enter the workforce. NASP is committed to the support and development of future practicing specialty pharmacists and student membership has many benefits, including:
Specialized workshops, educational sessions, and hands-on leadership opportunities to strengthen skills and expand your network;
Participation on NASP committees and task forces to help shape national policy, NASP priorities, education, and the Annual Meeting programming;
Exclusive access to the NASP Center for Specialty Pharmacy Education
Delivery of a daily e-news summary on the important developments in specialty pharmacy, the pharma/biotech industry, reimbursement, and policy;
Discounted registration to the Annual Meeting and Exposition.
With the strong support of NASP leadership and the growing interest of specialty pharmacy, we believe that our student pharmacist chapters will provide a unique opportunity for all students to gain an in-depth knowledge, experience, and exposure to the evolving issues facing specialty pharmacy today.
The speakers are: Stephanie LaPointe, Pharm.D., CSPO, FMPA, Manager, Education + Training, Diplomat Song Lee, PharmD, MBA, Resident at Diplomat Doug Gebhard, PharmD, MBA Vice President, Quality & Education, PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy
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Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
2017 Specialty Pharmacy of the Year: Ardon Health - PPN Episode 525
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Ardon Health Named Specialty Pharmacy of the Year by NASP
At the fifth annual meeting of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) held last week in Washington, D.C., Ardon Health received the prestigious Specialty Pharmacy of the Year Award. Ardon Health’s President, Chandra Wahrgren, and members of the company’s leadership accepted the award on behalf of Ardon’s entire team of caring specialty pharmacy professionals.
Of the 1,200 NASP corporate association members, Ardon Health was selected to receive this award for embodying the practice of pharmacy in the field of specialty, based on community involvement, patient satisfaction, cost management, innovation in the field and quality/performance improvement initiatives, which include patient care and outcomes, disease state and therapy management, and patient engagement. According to NASP, this peer-nominated and reviewed award goes to the organization that has done the most to advance patient care and the practice of specialty pharmacy, as well as uphold the values of NASP over the past year.
NASP is committed to specialty pharmacist education and certification and is strongly invested in the continuing improvement of specialty pharmacy practice as advances in medicine and treatment regimens emerge. When presenting the award, NASP President Rebecca Shanahan stated ”Specialty pharmacy provides a crucial and unique service to the most vulnerable patients in the country, ensuring they have access to the life-changing medications they need, along with the necessary support to succeed with complex treatments.“ She further commented, ”This year’s NASP award honorees are exemplary representatives of the specialty pharmacy industry.“ You can learn more about the association and the Specialty Pharmacy of the Year Award by visiting the NASP website.
President Chandra Wahrgren noted, ”One of Ardon’s company values is to exercise the courage to be different and to foster change…we seek to transform rather than simply adapt.“ She added, ”We are truly honored to receive this award, which validates our patient-focused team is making a positive difference.“
Ardon’s innovative oncology program, designed to ensure patient safety, optimize therapies and improve outcomes was referenced in the presentation of the Specialty Pharmacy of the Year Award. Ardon’s Vice President of Business Development, Grant Knowles, commented, ”Exceptional clinical programs and patient care are the highest priority at Ardon…. We are happy, grateful and proud to know our work to elevate the practice of specialty pharmacy has been recognized by our industry peers.“
Ardon Health, a specialty pharmacy based in Portland, Oregon, provides a wide range of specialty medications and personalized patient care nationwide. While primarily serving the Pacific Northwest, the company is focused on optimizing patient outcomes through the delivery of high-quality, compassionate specialty pharmacy services to patients in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. Ardon’s experienced clinical pharmacists have expertise in the treatment of numerous complex diseases and health conditions. Ardon is accredited for specialty pharmacy by both URAC and ACHC and is one of the first pharmacies to achieve ACHC Distinction in Oncology. For additional information about Ardon Health, please visit
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Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
NASP 2017 Annual Meeting Summary - Pharmacy Podcast Episode 472
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Welcome to the Specialty Pharmacy Podcast’s coverage of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy. The NASP hosted its fifth annual meeting in Washington, DC, on September 17-20, 2017.
The Specialty Pharmacy Podcast was featured beside the NASP main station in the exhibit hall welcoming thousands of specialty pharmacy stakeholders helping to innovate and move our sector of pharmacy forward. We’d like to thank our sponsors, Keycentrix – developers of the specialty pharmacy software ‘order based’ system New Leaf Rx, Heritage Biologics, specialty pharmacy founded by a rare disease patient and a team of pharmacy experts, and the NASP.
The post conference podcast summary features the follow specialty pharmacy industry leaders:
Christopher W. Kennedy, MSM
Chief Operating Officer
Heritage Biologics, Inc. (Sponsor)
Michelle Sherman, RPh
Founder | CEO
MichRx Pharmacist Consulting Services, Inc.
Harris J. Travis
Elie Khalife
KeyCentrix™ LLC
Tommy Cohn
Chief Strategy Officer
Kevn McNamara, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy Partners
Certified Specialty Pharmacist
Applications for the first CSP examination offered in April 2017 are due by March 15th, 2017. The final CSP examination in 2017 will be offered in October and applications will be due by September 15th, 2017.
Sheila M. Arquette, RPH
Executive Director
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy
Phone: (703) 842-0122 |
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Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Specialty Pharmacy Podcast & NASP Joins Forces - Pharmacy Podcast Episode 461
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Pharmacy Podcast Network and National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) have joined forces to launch the industry's #1 podcast "about the business of pharmacy" and delivering the Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Industry - the Specialty Pharmacy Podcast.
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) will host its fifth annual meeting in Washington, DC, on September 17-20, 2017. The NASP Annual Meeting is the most effective way to stay abreast of rapid developments in specialty pharmacy, including national legislative and regulatory policy, which will be featured at the meeting.
The NASP Annual Meeting & Expo is the only comprehensive national specialty pharmacy conference in which all stakeholders can fully participate.
Who Attends the NASP Annual Meeting?
Senior executives, pharmacy directors, staff pharmacists, consultants, and other management- level personnel from specialty pharmacy providers, infusion pharmacies, pharma/biotech manufacturers, institutional pharmacies, managed care organizations, GPOs, distributors, and suppliers to the industry.
When Does the NASP Annual Meeting Take Place?
Save the dates for the NASP Annual Meeting & Expo:
September 17 – 20, 2017
About the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy NASP:
The mission of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) is to improve specialty pharmacy practice by promoting continuing professional education and certification of specialty pharmacists while advocating for public policies that ensure appropriate patient access to specialty medications and related care services on behalf of the stakeholders we serve.
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy is a 501(c)(6) trade association representing all stakeholders in the specialty pharmacy industry. Our members include the nation’s leading specialty pharmacies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturers, GPOs, distributors and more. With over 100 corporate members and 1,200 individuals, NASP is the unified voice of specialty pharmacy in the United States. NASP is dedicated to education, national policy advocacy, and engagement of all stakeholders in the specialty pharmacy industry.
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Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 134 Specialty Pharmacy Leader Gary Cohen with NASP
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy™ (NASP™), founded in 2012, represents specialty pharmacy professionals in all practice settings and highlights the unique value our members bring to patients and the healthcare system. NASP is focused on building collaboration among all organizations involved in specialty pharmacy to deliver the benefits and services needed to improve patient outcomes.
NASP has a strong vision, innovative and motivated leaders, and an inspired mission—exactly what the specialty pharmacy industry needs.
Specialty pharmacy is the fastest growing segment in the industry today. Innovations in drug discovery, drug delivery systems, advanced monitoring techniques, and informatics have all increased the need for advanced specialty pharmacy. NASP provides the platform for clinical, scientific, and business exchange for all specialty pharmaceutical stakeholders and fosters collaborative initiatives to align the goals of all stakeholders.As an organization, we are committed to advancing the profession by supporting the importance of professional certification through the Specialty Pharmacy Certification Board (SPCB). NASP meets the needs of a growing membership by creating a strong, unified voice for the industry. Members receive unmatched educational and networking opportunities through the Specialty Pharmacy Conference and Specialty Pharmacy Education Center (SPEC), which offers more than 300 hours of education specific to specialty pharmacy. Learn more about the benefits for individual and corporate members.
NASP is a not-for-profit, 501 (c)6 organization that offers both individual and corporate members. NASP does not promote or endorse corporate products or services.
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Friday Dec 13, 2013
Friday Dec 13, 2013
NASP Executive Director: Jim Smeeding, RPh, MBA
Jim Smeeding, RPh, MBA, is a founder of the Center for Pharmacoeconomic Studies at the University of Texas College of Pharmacy. His research interests are in applied pharmacoeconomics, systems integration and managed care. His pharmacy degree is from the University of Buffalo and his MBA from the University of Texas. Over the past 39 years his practice orientation has been in hospital pharmacy, clinical services design, home infusion therapy, managed care services, and disease management.
The TPG National Payor Roundtable is an educational company that brings product and service offerings to managed care decision makers. Education and access are the key points of contact that TPG-NPRT brings to its client customers and payor medical decision makers.
The Jestarx Group is a data and educational resource company that works with pharmaceutical manufacturers. Digital Health Dialog is a patented mobile-phone tool that lets you deliver instant, personally targeted messages to patients at more convenient points in their therapy - making it far more likely that they fill prescriptions with your brand. Project Rx is a service company that works with hospital pharmacies to assess, evaluate and improve quality, safety and efficiency of service delivery. Edjudicate is a private consultancy group that focuses on unique needs of pharmaceutical oriented customers.
Jim’s private clients constitute the spectrum of pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, diagnostic testing and all classes of pharmacy affairs – hospital, retail, chain, managed care, academic and research. His broad expertise in professional affairs has allowed his clients to understand, approach and impact medical and pharmacy affairs from product selection through to the value proposition as well as professional communications, patient communications and safety. Jim is widely known for his broad interests and his ability to moderate a program to bring out cogent learning points and make the educational program applicable to practice.
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Friday Sep 06, 2013
Friday Sep 06, 2013
About NASP
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2012, represents specialty pharmacy professionals in all practice settings and highlights the unique value its members bring to patients and the healthcare system. NASP is collaborating with other professional pharmacy associations, certification boards, accreditation organizations, special interest groups, specialty pharmacy organizations, academia, and researchers to create a unified voice for specialty pharmacy.
Sponsored by: New Leaf Rx
Leverage the power of order-based, exception-driven workflow with New Leaf Rx. This unique combination enables custom configuration of your software to support ideal throughput and enforces best practices for single or multi-location pharmacy environments. New Leaf Rx software, combined with our consultative and comprehensive implementation approach, offers pharmacies a level of resources and service unlike anything else available in the industry. New Leaf Rx’s easy to use, fully customizable workflow and order manager are tailored for pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers that are looking to innovate, increase efficiencies and maximize their footprint in the specialty and more advanced high margin pharmaceutical market. For more information, visit
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