Monday Mar 02, 2020
Patient Communications: Automation without Dehumanization - NASP Podcast - PPN Episode 954
HealthCrowd Podcast Participants: Sheila Arquette, Executive Director, NASP Scott Sorensen, VP of Specialty Pharmacy, HealthCrowd Introductions and brief bio Sheila Arquette, Executive Director, National Association of Specialty Pharmacy Scott Sorenson, VP of SP at HealthCrowd- 20+ experience working in SP- worked for Accredo, BioRx and Paragon Scott, you have worked directly for specialty pharmacies for more than 20 years. HealthCrowd is quite a departure for you. Can you tell us a little bit about HealthCrowd and why did you join this organization? Software solution Innovative and intuitive Automation of manual tasks that are customizable The specialty pharmacy industry prides itself on providing high-touch care and services for patients with chronic and complex conditions. Why is automation a viable solution for specialty patients and the specialty industry? Doesn’t not displace hi- touch It’s an enhancement Defers tasks that shouldn’t be burdensome to clinical staff How and why does involving artificial intelligence (AI) plus human monitoring equal better outcomes? AI is developing and learning quickly still humans engineering and building the programs and people providing care The AI just gives us an edge How is the automation working so far? Quite successfully. multi-modalities of communications are used together or in sequence don’t discriminate against those folks who have landlines IVR is available Can patients opt in or out of these services? HIPAA PHI. Safeguards-identifier such as DOB Would they like to continue? No- direct patient to SP personally HIPAA PHI can be shared by 3 groups: Payors, Providers and Prescribers What’s does the future look like and what are some of your immediate projects or goals? De-silo healthcare over 800 applications for cell and gene therapy submitted to the FDA integration via communication will be the solution. perfect patient communications platform bridge that gap and an allow those in need, to have access to care Sponsored by RxDestroyer See for privacy information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit